Peek 'Malcomblog' to see my experiences with Directors
Malcomb = Storyboards Illustrations | Scenic
Malcomb is both traditionally trained and digitally savvy, with a B.F.A. from California State University, Long Beach.
Peek 'Malcomblog' to see my experiences with Directors
Malcomb is both traditionally trained and digitally savvy, with a B.F.A. from California State University, Long Beach.
" SEAL s " - Chevy Trucks - Bedford Falls
" The Chase " Director Malcomb Sterling. Magnificent Studio.
Trompe l'oeil. Trick the eye in French. This is a shadowbox.
Drawing has always been a major part of my life. I have done so much of it that I have become quite efficient at the craft. Earning a B.F.A. in Illustration from the prestigious California State University, Long Beach, has helped too.
For storyboarding I work in dynamic angle with some talented directors. Mainly I work with Photoshop. For my fine art, it's oils, or acrylic. My Illustrations gouache or watercolor. As a Scenic: Sculptor/ Painter, I can work: foam, plastic, what ever you need, as well as paint: lettering, faux, backdrops and props.
Art is all about tricks and skills. While getting my B.F.A. I hung out with the Masters students. To absorb their tricks. This gave me the advasntage, But if you want to hear names: H.Daumier, H.Bosch, S.Dali, F.Frazetta, B.Vallejo, The Clayton Brothers, A.Grey, R. Williams.
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